Thursday, January 3, 2008

MAJOLICA MAJORCA Pressed Fantasia 24h

Another one from MAJOLICA MAJORCA (super drugstore brand from Shiseido)! Notice the beautiful packaging and design? Unfortunately in Japan, they like to charge for the cases of pressed powder/foundations. It's almost like a collectible item for women there because they come out with different colours/cases per season. There's only 1 case to this pressed powder.

MAJOLICA MAJORCA Pressed Fantasia 24h is a pressed powder that can be worn day and night(24h). The main purpose of it is to set the foundation and keep the oil off your face. It gives a really nice matte silky finish which is why it's suitable for night time(sleep) as it keeps the oil off which means no more pimples!

I really like using this pressed powder a lot! It makes my skin feel so soft and the best thing is that it absorbs the oil from my face too. I have semi-sensitive skin and it doesn't cause me to break out at all! It's definitely something that everyone should try! I have read that it has been discontinued but I still see it on their site. Also as mentioned before, the case and the powder(with puff) is sold separately.

1 comment:

vanilla said...

awww u and kathi from lotus palace makes me want this !hehe
do u wear it at nite too?hehe