Tuesday, May 13, 2008

NATURAL JUJU 100% Aloe Vera Cream

NATURAL JUJU sounds like it's part of the AQUAJUJU line but I'm actually not sure where it is from as I cannot view the certain line on the website. I'm only assuming it's a newer version of the current one they have listed.

NATURAL JUJU 100% ALOE VERA is a cream that is both colourless and odorless. Aloe Vera cream is usually for people who have sensitive skin or to heal irritation/burns. It works perfectly for sun burns by giving it moisture and cooling down the sensation. With that being said, there isn't a cooling effect to it but it soothes down the area for you with 100% juice from the aloe vera plant.

I have been having quite a horrible skin reaction due to the weather change and my horrible department bought cream(since I ran out of my AQUAJUJU) so I decided to put in another order for a 2nd jar of AQUAJUJU but I saw the NATURAL JUJU and was intrigued to try it since it was all natural. Overall, it's a pretty nice cream to use. It doesn't irritate my skin and it keeps all parts hydrated. A little really goes a long way just like the AQUAJUJU. I would definitely try this and other aloe vera creams out there!


Unknown said...


Wow!! This sounds nice...I just bought some on line for my BF, can't wait for it to get here!

It looks like it has a nice texture

Anonymous said...

Aloe vera

is a product for every type of skin. it is a natural food flavoring and gives the result in few weeks. There is no side effects on any type skin aloe is a very highly effective in treating like pimples.I was used since last six months and give the results. so i am very happy to use this products.

Sleepy Beauty said...

Really want to try it, but dont see it selling in Singapore.